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Schizostachyum brachycladum

Name in Indonesia: Bambus lemang, Bambu gading, buluh lemang, buluh tolang, buluh sero.
Philippines: buluh lemang, kauayang buho.
Malaysia: buloh lemang, buloh silau, buloh telang
Thailand: phai-por, kriap
Englisch Name: Sacred Bali Bamboo.

Tropischer Bambus / Tropical bamboo. Horst bildend /Clumping Bamboo.
Rhizomes short; pachymorph.

Schizostachyum brachycladum

Habitat:  Densely tufted, sympodial bamboo. Culm erect with pendulous tip, 8-16 m tall, 7-10 cm in diameter, wall 3-5 mm thick, green, bluish-green; internodes 30-58 cm long, smooth, usually covered with scattered white hairs when young, becoming glabrous; nodes not swollen, without root primordial. Branches arising from the midculm nodes upward, at each node with a tuft of 25-30 slender subequal branches. Culm sheath rigid, 12-27 cm x 18-35 cm, long persistent, covered with light-brown tobrown hairs, junction of top of sheath with blade horizontal; blade triangular with stiff acuminate apex, 4-18 cm x 4 10 cm, erect, rigid, usually glabrous, many nerved; ligule 3 mm long, entire; auricles small, 10 mm long and 2.5 mm tall, bearing crisped bristles 4-5 mm long. Young shoots with rigid culm sheaths and hard broad blades, covered with light brown to brown hairs.

Leaves Fronds: Leaf blade lanceolate, 26-32 cm x 3.5-6 cm, hairy below, glabrous above; ligule short, entire; auricles very small, with long bristles.

Flowers: Inflorescences 16-30 cm long, consisting of dense tufts of pseudospikelets 1-3 cm apart at the nodes on the rigid distal part of a leafy branchlet; spikelet15-25 mm long, comprising 1-2 perfect florets and a rachilla extension bearing a rudimentary floret.

Fruits and Seets: Caryonopsis not known.

Distribtion: S. brachycladum is widespread in South-East Asia, occurring in Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, the Moluccas, Bali and Luzon, growing wild, cultivated or naturalized.

Uses: The culms of S. brachycladum are widely used, e.g. for roofs (split lengthwise as for the Toraja rice barn and traditional house in Sulawesi), water containers, handicrafts, banana props and as container for cooking glutinous rice ('lemang'). Native people in Sarawak usually use S. brachycladum culms for many purposes and if it is not available it is substituted by other thin-walled bamboos; the internodes are used for making water pipes to smoke tobacco; decorated with a pattern carved in low relief ('serobok'), also for various carved containers, for instance, the one used for holy wine served during the Gawai festival ('Garong basket'). Formerly, women in North Sulawesi made clothes from the fibres, after chewing and washing the soft inner part of the culms to extract the fibres. In Bali and Toraja (Sulawesi) the culms are used durinbg burial ceremonies. Young shoots are edible, but rather bitter. The forms with yellow culm are often cultivated as ornamentals. In Sabah this bamboo is also planted on hill slopes to prevent landslides

Lemang Bamboo in Malaysia

A Lemang Bamboo Bush.

This wonderful species is one of the most well-known bamboo among the malays in Malaysia and Indonesia. The reason for this is, only mature and green bamboo from this species is used as one off vessel (for lack of a better word) to cook lemang -  a traditional malay food made from glutinous rice and some coconut milk. Hence it was named Lemang Bamboo by the locals. It's scientific name is Schizostachyum Brachycladum and in Malaysia, its available in its green variant.
However, this article is not here to discuss about lemang, but to discuss about what unique properties offered by this species and it's benefits to our favorite hobby - jungle survival skills and bushcraft. Locals said that lemang can't be made with any other type of bamboos and I honestly agree (because I'm also a local! lol!). There are unique properties of lemang bamboo that allows this and we will see if we can use it for our uses in the jungle aside from cooking lemang. I'll try my best show how to recognize this particular species of bamboo and hopefully I can also describe the properties of this bamboo so we all can better use it in jungle survival skills training and bushcraft.

The Size, Length Between The Nodes and Straightness.
Lemang  Bamboo are easily recognizable because of these three particular properties and saying in general, these three are how most bamboo species can be distinguished from each other. In fact, most of the uses we can extract from most species of bamboo are also from these three properties.

  • Size ~ Lemang Bamboo are considered medium size with a diameter between two to four inches when mature. Even the smallest young culm would be around one and half inch in diameter. Many uses can be made possible due to the size. Combine proper size with its convenient length and the unique thin walls of this species allows it to be used as a very effective steamer or cooking vessel. The size also permits splitting of the bamboo easily and allow us to use it as effective general containers, as cups or even as a plate, albeit a peculiarly long one.
  • Length Between The Nodes ~ Lemang bamboo is considered second in length between the nodes (also known as section length), after Temiang bamboo (Blowpipe Bamboo). It's section length is usually not less than one and a quarter foot long but very rarely above four feet. The normal section length when mature would be around three feet. This is very useful when cooking, making table tops, wall sections and so on.
  • Straightness ~ This is one of the most useful properties of Lemang bamboo is also one of the most distinguishable. Lemang bamboo is straight lengthwise. Its straight at the nodes and also straight at it's sections. If its bent, usually the bend is very gradual along the whole culm and was caused by the weight of its own foliage or other external factors. So when the foliage is removed and the bamboo is laid on the ground, it would seem straight without any drastic angles at the nodes. A straight bamboo, when split or opened, will make a relatively flat surface.This helps a lot if you are building jungle furniture like a rack, a long bench, table tops, shelter walls or even bed platform (but for God's sake, remove the miang first, mate).


The Culm Color 

Color is usually matte (not glossy) dark green with white powdery miang (see below). But its not unusual to see any bamboo culm with greyish green color and covered with white spots (see above pic). That grey color and white spots indicates a type of fungal infection. Please avoid taking the infected culm for cooking purposed. Though there are no harmful effects reported, it is not exactly a good, safe bushcraft practice.



The "Miang" (as in mee~young)

Miang is a Malay word for a substance that gives you an itchy feeling and sometimes even an allergic skin reaction. It shares some characteristics like a Stinging Nettle's needles but I am reluctant to describe it as needle as miang is not that severe. I use the Malay term for this because I can't seem to find a suitable word for it in English. With very few exception, most bamboo species growing in Malaysia have miang. But on Lemang Bamboo, there are two types of miangs and this can be used as a distinguishable feature.

  • The white miang. Located on the green bamboo sections, it is powdery and denser starting from the section's upper node, gradually thinning down to mid section of the same node. The white miang is not painful upon contact, but severely irritating at best moments later. The effect may last for a few days and when I was in Combat Medical School, I heard at least in one instance almost cause anaphylactic shock to a patient after the patient somehow inhaled the miang powder.
  • The black miang. It is a larger miang, almost one milimeter in length and black in color. This miang is located on the outside surface of the Culm Sheath. It stands like hair and stings mildly when contacting your skin. Therefore, always avoid holding on to the culm sheath thinking it may give you protection from the fine powdered white miang, it may give you a worse reaction because the black miang can penetrate your skin.
  • See below on how to avoid both miangs while harvesting Lemang Bamboo.


The Culm Sheath

Culm sheaths are usually brown, covered with small needle hairs called miang (see above). The sheath covers the bottom nodes and usually three to six inches long depending on the length between the nodes. Never handle the culm sheaths with bare hands as the miangs from this part are quite nasty. When removing this culm sheaths, use only your parang.


More Information here

Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum

Lemang Bamboo

February 2012: Flower at Schizostachyum brachycladum.

Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum
Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum
Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum
Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum
Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum
Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum
Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum
Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum
Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum
Bambus:Schizostachyum brachycladum

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Das Bambus-Lexikon wurde 2005 als frei zugängliche Datenbank nach meiner Idee erstellt und erarbeitet. Das Bambus-Lexikon wird von mir laufend aktualisiert. Mit diesen Webseiten und den Bambusinformationen möchte ich meine mehr als 40 jährigen Bambuserfahrungen, mein Wissen und alle von mir gesammelten Daten und eigene Erfahrungen aus dem In- und Ausland an die vielen Pflanzenfreunde in Wort und Bild weitergeben, um den Bambus in unseren Breiten noch populärer zu machen und seine vielseitige Verwendbarkeit einer breiten Öffentlichkeit vermitteln. Mein Lexikon erhebt nicht den Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und ist kein Wissenschaftliches Werk.
Die Inhalte der Seiten wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt. Für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte und Hinweise kann ich jedoch keine Gewähr übernehmen. Nach §§ 8 bis 10 TMG bin ich als Anbieter der Seiten jedoch nicht verpflichtet, übermittelte oder gespeicherte fremde Informationen zu überwachen oder nach Umständen zu forschen, die auf eine rechtswidrige Tätigkeit hinweisen.
Die angegebenen Werte (Höhe, Winterhärte etc.) sind Durchschnittswerte, die je nach Standort erheblich voneinander abweichen können und gelten nicht für Bambus im Kübel. So wird ein Phyllostachys vivax 'Aureocaulis' im norddeutschen Küstenbereich und Dänemark selten über 5 Meter hoch, während diese Sorte z. B. in Süd-West-Deutschland bereits nach ein paar Jahren diese Höhe erreicht. In den wärmeren Regionen unseres Landes schon nach ca. 7 Jahren mehr als 8 Meter hoch sein kann.
Über Mitarbeit, Anregungen, Ergänzungen, Erfahrungswerte, Pflanzendaten und Bilder, aber auch über Kritik, bin ich jederzeit dankbar. Sollten Sie mir Bilder per Email senden,  so geben Sie damit gleichzeitig Ihr Einverständnis für eine Veröffentlichung auf diesen Seiten. 
Mein Dank geht an 1. Stelle an meine liebe Frau, ohne deren Geduld, Liebe und Verständnis es für mich nicht möglich gewesen wäre, die riesige Datenmenge in das Web zu stellen. / Last but for sure the more imporant, I would like to thank my wife. She is my love, my best friend and so much more... Without her understanding, patience , love , it wouldn't have been possible for me to put together  this huge amount of data in the web. THANK YOU Angel. / Mes remerciements s’adressent en premier lieu à ma chère femme, sans sa patience, son amour et sa compréhension, il n’aurait pas été possible pour moi de mettre en ligne cette immense quantité de données.
Ich habe bis 2016 in meiner Freizeit mehr als 12 000 Stunden am PC verbracht und besonders in den Wintermonaten, Abend für Abend (häufig bis zum frühen Morgen) und fast das ganze Wochenende, oft auch ungeduldig und schimpfend (wenn der Computer mal wieder seine Macken hatte) am PC verbracht!

Für die Überlassung vieler guter Fotos geht mein besonderer Dank an Daniel Kunz aus der Schweiz. Für die Bereitstellung einiger Fotos bedanke ich mich bei den Bambusfreunden im In- und Ausland. Das Bambus-Lexikon ist ein privates, frei zugängliches Lexikon.

Sollten Sie mir ein Nachricht mit Bildern zusenden, so geben Sie mit damit Ihr Einverständnis zur anonymen Veröffentlichung im Bambus-Lexikon.

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© All text and photos are protected by copyright. No unauthorized copy and use permitted in other media.

Fred Vaupel im Frühjahr 2005



Bambustage in Lehrte-Steinwedel

vom 2. - 9. April 2009

Feiern Sie mit uns in den Frühling.

MO-FR 10-18.30 Uhr
SA 10-16 Uhr
SO 5. April: Schautag von 11-16 Uhr

• Bambuspflanzen in großer Vielfalt •
• Neue Buddhafiguren aus verschiedenen Materialien •
• Tolle Accessoires und Ideen aus Bambus und Granit •
