Distribution: Semishaded, rocky crevices in broad-leaved forests in limestone mountains, often on North facing slopes; 200-500 m. West-Guangxi, China. North Vietnam.
oung leaves sparsely red-brown tomentose abaxially; leaflets often overlapping, dark green at maturity, 10-18 cm × 14-18 mm, base usually truncate, margin flat or only slightly revolute
Describtion in Flora of Chna
No type was cited, and distribution was cited only as "Süd-China". However, Warburg refers to specimens in Miquel's herbarium, from a plant cultivated in the Amsterdam botanic garden that had been brought in from the Bogor botanic garden and said to be from South China. Miquel had incorrectly determined and illustrated these as C. inermis (Miquel, 1851). These would appear to be the basis for C. miquelii, and hence acceptable as types. These specimens are clearly a somewhat aberrant C. revoluta lacking petiolar spines, and C. miquelii must thus fall into the synonymy of C. revoluta. This name was subsequently overlooked by both Pilger (1926) and Schuster (1931), although Schuster managed to cull names from a myriad of trivial sources. Neotypification by de Laubenfels and Adema (1998) is based on a specimen of a quite different species from southern Thailand (C. clivicola, which see). This is redundant when the above is taken as the type. It is also in conflict with the protolog in that it is not from southern China. The name has also been quite widely misapplied in southern China and northern Vietnam to occurrences of C. sexseminifera (Wang 1996, Chen & Stevenson 2000). Although described in 1900 by German botanist O. Warburg, this name was not understood from the beginning. No type was cited, and distribution was cited only as "Süd-China". Warburg types were held by B, and were destroyed in WW2. Other Warburg collections were distributed to A, L, E, FGH, H, K, P, but no replicates have been so far located.
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Distribution is placed from the New South Wales border northward to Gladstone in Queensland. The nearest stands to Brisbane are on hill slopes in the Upper Brookfield area where it grows prolifically. West of Gympie, while with a group of native plant researchers, we located a hillside of this cycad on a grazier's property at Glastonbury. The large colourful cones were ripening on the female plants about the month of November. The males had numerous cones in the leaf axils.
Off the Queensland coast near Tin Can Bay lies Fraser Island, a subtropic terrain of forests, lakes and beaches and here occurs this variable cycad in rich profusion. In a semi-rainforest atmosphere amid Angophora, Banksia, Eucalypts and teatrees. Macrozamia douglasii grows in groves and as isolated individuals. Although once listed as a distinct species, the late Stan Blake of Queensland Herbarium and L.A.S. Johnson of New South Wales Herbarium have determined it is synonymous with the mainland Macrozamia miquelii . Before I was aware of this I had noticed the similarities of the Gympie plants and the Fraser Island plants. Adding to the diversity of the species, the Fraser Island plants grow on sandy wallum loam and because of the nature of the habitat must receive considerable ground moisture from the freshwater lakes, creeks and springs that abound on the island.
Describtion on Cycas Page
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Die angegebenen Werte (Höhe, Winterhärte etc.) sind Durchschnittswerte, die je nach Standort erheblich voneinander abweichen können und gelten nicht für Bambus im Kübel. So wird ein Phyllostachys vivax 'Aureocaulis' im norddeutschen Küstenbereich und Dänemark selten über 5 Meter hoch, während diese Sorte z. B. in Süd-West-Deutschland bereits nach ein paar Jahren diese Höhe erreicht. In den wärmeren Regionen unseres Landes schon nach ca. 7 Jahren mehr als 8 Meter hoch sein kann.
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Mein Dank geht an 1. Stelle an meine liebe Frau, ohne deren Geduld, Liebe und Verständnis es für mich nicht möglich gewesen wäre, die riesige Datenmenge in das Web zu stellen. / Last but for sure the more imporant, I would like to thank my wife. She is my love, my best friend and so much more... Without her understanding, patience , love , it wouldn't have been possible for me to put together this huge amount of data in the web. THANK YOU Angel. / Mes remerciements s’adressent en premier lieu à ma chère femme, sans sa patience, son amour et sa compréhension, il n’aurait pas été possible pour moi de mettre en ligne cette immense quantité de données.
Ich habe bis 2016 in meiner Freizeit mehr als 12 000 Stunden am PC verbracht und besonders in den Wintermonaten, Abend für Abend (häufig bis zum frühen Morgen) und fast das ganze Wochenende, oft auch ungeduldig und schimpfend (wenn der Computer mal wieder seine Macken hatte) am PC verbracht!
Für die Überlassung vieler guter Fotos geht mein besonderer Dank an Daniel Kunz aus der Schweiz. Für die Bereitstellung einiger Fotos bedanke ich mich bei den Bambusfreunden im In- und Ausland. Das Bambus-Lexikon ist ein privates, frei zugängliches Lexikon.
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Fred Vaupel im Frühjahr 2005